Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Real World: Brooklyn

The Real World Brooklyn had its season finale last night- oh, you guys didn't even know The Real World  had a new season or that it was already over? Yeah, that's because this season was a SNOOZE FEST.

You'd think that with a transgendered person, a gay, a body builder, a soldier, a Mormon, a black beauty queen with jungle fever, a white girl who wants to be a hip hop dancer, and another girl that is totally irrelevant that there would be some GOOD STUFF goin down this season. Hook ups! Fighting! Drug Use! Drunkeness! Shenanigans!

NO. No to pretty much all. This season was a TOTAL snoozefest. Aside from a few boys vs girls incidents and the smashing of a glass table (um, that JD has GOT to get his anger in control), this season was a total bore. They weren't even required to get jobs!

Dear Real World- No one HAS to watch you. You've been around for like 37000 years. Everyone is over it. If you want to keep it going, at least make it interesting.

Your Friend Lela

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