Thursday, April 16, 2009

To My Tweeters

Hi Readers!

For those of you on Twitter I have a HUGE favor to ask. Hugh Jackman is giving away $100k to some persons favorite charity- why shouldn't that charity be yours? And why shouldn't your favorite charity be HOW YOU LIVE []. 

For those of you who don't know, a friend of mine, one of the all around best people I know, was diagnosed with cancer almost a year and a half ago. This would send me into a tail spin, but not Sarah- no siree bob! She decided that she was going to do everything that she could for young people who get cancer and to help educate in order to prevent it. As a result, and in selfless Sarah fashion,  she started the How You Live foundation to help others.

So to recap, this is what I need you to do:

Step One: Sign into Twitter/ join Twitter
Step Two: Follow Hugh Jackman [realhughjackman].
Step Three: @ reply to his tweet about donating $100k. Tell him is your fave organization and he should give them money to them.
Step Four: Feel satisfied that you have done your good deed for the day!


Melinda said...

and in case you need them here's some statistics....

70k young people are diagnosed with cancer every year

50% of 20s and 30s don't survive their cancers

young people are the most uninsured group in the US

How You Live is going to help by providing insurance to young people so that they find their cancers earlier, providing support for families and friends affected by cancer, and educating all age groups about the threat of cancer to young people.


Melinda said...


I heart you for this!

You are amazing!

Sarah said...

And if we win, there will be a party for all who participated in the twitter challenge!!!! :)

Go, people, go!!