Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ew, Ew, Ew

Did you guys hear about this funeral director in the UK who found a 400 year old cat in the walls of his cottage!


Better news: He's putting it back in the wall!!! EWWWWWWWWW.

The article states:."It is thought the animal either crawled behind the wall and got stuck or its body was placed there by a past resident to ward off evil spirits."

 Ok, people who put scary ass dead cats in their walls in order to ward off evil spirits are craaaaaaaaayzaaaaaaaaaay. And, do we really think that this cat just crawled into the wall 400 years ago and just set up residence there? No one ever its desperate meows? And, there are cottages in England that are 400 years old that are still standing and livable? Creepy.

Oh, and just an fyi, this dead cat was found 20 years ago by previous residents, and they put it back in the wall......just as this fellow plans to do. 

Moral of the story? Brits are weird.

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