Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Trashy TV: Monday- Friday, Part One

For the first time in my life, I want to join the cast of The Hills. While that may sound extreme, please listen to my reasoning before you judge me [ and I know you are]. There are very few people I know my age that can just up and go to Hawaii without having to worry about taking off work and life and what not. Wouldn't that pretty much be the dream life? 

Anywho, off to the recap. Lauren, Lo, Audrina, and Stephanie [who continues to AMAZE me with her stupidity] decide to crash the boys trip in Hawaii. They all get drunk and Audrina and Brody hook up. Wah wah. Hawaii is fun!

Meanwhile, back on the mainland, Heidi and Spencer still hate each other and are in love and Heidi's high school boyfriend Colby [remember him? Mama Montag tried to force him on Heidi when she was in CO a few episodes ago] is coming for a visit. Heidi doesn't think it will be awkward AT ALL for all of them to hang out so she arranges a "double-date". Colby and his girlfriend don't drink because "nothing good comes from it" [au contraire friends- i have had MANY a good time result from drinking]. Colby's girlfriend proceeds to tell Heidi that she "looks different" [bahahahahahahaha] and then Spencer grills them about being virgins. Basically, the best dinner ever. Sorry, Spencer, that not everyone is a man whore like you and that some people in the world still wait until they are married to have sex. Speaking of marriage, Heidi and Spencer got married this past weekend [evidently for real this time, not like all of the fakery that went down in Mexico. I hope they didn't get the swine flu. Wait, did I say didn't?]. 

Spencer decided to take Colby boxing to "get out some of his aggression" and proceeded to ask him where in the Bible it says that you can't have sex before you are married. Colby's response was "I'm not sure, but I can look it up." Um, dear Colby, if you are going to live your life around one verse in the Bible, perhaps you should KNOW WHAT THE VERSE IS.

I'm done with this recap. It's boring me. Season blah blah of The Hills is boring. I will continue to watch anyway. Someone get me a life? Please?

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