Thursday, April 23, 2009

In Other Disgusting News

A crazy Kindergarten teacher in Yakima, Washington sent a bag of poop home with one of her students. Yeah, you heard right, poop.

Evidently, the little feller had an accident on her classroom floor, and she was none to happy about it, so she wrapped that turd up in a ziploc bag [to keep it fresh] and put a note in there that said "This little turd was on the floor in my room" [i wish that was a joke] and put it in the little kid's backpack. Luckily(?), his mom found it when she was going through his backpack that night.

What is the purpose of this? Punishment? Punishment for the child? Or punishment for the parents? How disgustingly childish.....and just disgusting in general. Sometimes kids poop their pants- they didn't teach you this in college?  There was a kid in my kindergarten class who was a puker. Just randomly throughout the days and weeks he would just vomit. No one ever wanted to sit too close to him during story time because that was one of his favorite times to puke everywhere. But did my teacher ever bag up his vom and send it home? No. She did what any self respecting kindgarten teacher anywhere would do: she called the janitor and let him deal with it.

1 comment:

Kissing Mules said...

I bag up all bodily fluids.
J/K I actually throw away all evidence- even clothing. I don't think anyone actually wants to keep that stuff. Maybe freaks dig it, but I don't.