Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Trashy TV: Monday- Friday

The second episode of the new season of The Hills aired last night and it was an absolute snooze. fest. with a period in between snooze and fest for added emphasis because it really was that boring.

Let's see, where to start, where to start.......Lauren tried to get Stephanie a job at People's Revolution. Stephanie was nervous and worked on her resume allllll day before coming to interview with the monstrously mean Kelly Catrone. After all her efforts the best she could come up with for her objective was: "Be a handbag designer". Um, perhaps we should start with, get a job??? As one would expect, Kelly laughed in her face, told her she was stupid, and breathed fire out of her mouth that incinerated the paltry piece of paper she held. Stephanie was hardly phased [due to her slight case of mental retardation] and skipped off to grab herself a lollipop. Kelly told Lauren that if she hired Stephanie and she screwed up that Lauren was going to be the one to fire her, to which Lauren responded "Ok!". Really? I would never, EVER agree to firing one of my friends.....unless I happened to hate their brother.......and they had yelled at me in a bar a few years ago and started awful rumors about me.......and I was only being their friend in order to get them a fake job on a fake reality show so I could ultimately FIRE THEM one day.......hmmmmmmm


Oh, sorry, I got so bored recapping this BORING episode that I fell asleep. Moving on....

Heidi came back from Colorado. She and Spencer had a fight. Spencer and  his paid actor friend Charles met up with the "homewrecking" bartender Stacie and her slutty friends at a club. Spencer threatened to play "Pour Some Sugar On Me" so they would all dance on the table [blech- i just threw up in my mouth]. Heidi and Stephanie stalked them down and yelled and Spencer for being a man whore and told Stacie to put on some pants [that'll show her!]. It was your basic Heidi/Spencer contrived bullshit. Oh, and they broke up at the end of the episode. I can't wait for the US Weekly cover story so I can read why.

In other Hills-ish news, Whitney Port has left DVF to go back to working for People's Revolution. I'm sure the reasons are legit, but I'm incredibly curious why one would voluntarily quit Diane Von Furstenberg. My best guess is that Olivia Palermo is an awful pig and Whitney couldn't stand to work with her a moment longer. And I would absolutely not blame her one bit. Hopefully this means OP will not be on Season 2 of The City.

In other trashy TV news, MTV debuted a new show after The Hills last night called College Life. The show follows 4 ( i think) college freshman at the University of Wisconsin. Each "cast member" has their own hand held video camera and they video tape themselves, diary style. It was the most boring shit I've ever seen. My point for bringing it up though, is, would you EVER in a million years want to document all the shenanigans you got into your freshman year of college? For your parents to see??? For the whole world to see????? Absofreakinlutely not!

Trashy TV Monday was very dissapointing. Here's hoping that The Real Housewives will knock my socks off tonight!

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