Tuesday, April 14, 2009

See Guys, Date Rape CAN Be Fun....

.....if you're Lil Wayne. Here's an excerpt from Wayne's interview with Playboy where he discusses losing his virginity. 

How old were you when you lost your virginity and what were the circumstances?
I was 11 and the girl was 13. She had every board game you could imagine. I liked board games. We was playing Win Lose or Draw and on the board she wrote, "Fuck me." Now I was 11, and I didn't even know it meant "intercourse." I just knew it was a cuss word, so I was like, "Why is she cussing herself out?" She said, "Do you want to play 'Press Your Luck'? Well, the game is in my closet." She had a walk-in closet, so she said, "Go get it, it's right to the right…." When I walk to the closet she came in and cut the lights off and took off my pants, and I remember my ass was cold up against the wall. I was like, "What the hell!?" When I tried to push her off me, I felt that she was naked also, so I just stepped back and let her do what she do.

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