Monday, April 13, 2009

Take That Pirates!

3 out of 4 of the Samali pirates that were holding an American ship captain hostage were shot by US Navy snipers- what an insane job! That'll teach those pirates to mess with us! Or.......they will be even bigger bastards from now on. A spokesperson for the pirates [really?] said that there will be vengeance for their people that were killed and that the United States will pay for this.

Does anyone else find this to be just a little bit ridiculous? I mean, pirates??? And these ships are just bowing down to them, and people are just paying them off because they have a couple of machine guns? Why aren't these ships better prepared to defend themselves in situations like this? This huge-o ship was taken over by 4 men- FOUR! I think the shipmen need to be trained and prepared for situations like this and if someone tries to force their way onto your ship, you just shoot them! Why oh why am I not in charge of the world already?

1 comment:

Melinda said...

i don't know! a world run by lela would be the shiznit.

but seriously - i first learned of this story yesterday after it was all over and the way it was told me i thought the person was describing a movie. that's some scary - awesome shit.