Monday, April 6, 2009

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday- how was your weekend?

Nevermind, you dont need to tell me because I can guarandamntee that it wasn't as good as mine. This weekend was the illustrious MULE DAY- and whatever you did, I PROMISE it cannot top that.

I took a crew of my Nashville friends [who we also like to call "Mule Day Virgins"] down for the festivities on Friday night and on Saturday we popped their cherry- and they loved every second of it. It is really just a shame that Mule Day only happens once a year- the shenanigans from the rest of the year just can't compare. 

In honor of the weekend, we are kicking of Music Monday with a good ole Columbia classic. So reflect. Remember. And make plans for next year. 

Rocky Top - University of Tennessee

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