Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Illegal Downloading

Everyone does it right? Well, no actually, I don't.  But I have in the past. It's very tricky to go from getting something for free, to having to pay a lot for it. Evidently the general public agrees with this b/c illegal downloading has become a serious problem that is greatly affecting the Entertainment Industry as a whole.

How would you feel if your Internet could be turned off for up to a year if you were an illegal downloader? That is what France is proposing. Lawmakers are considering a "three strikes" law where repeat piraters could face loss of Internet connection for one year. The law would require Interner Providers essentially spying on their clients Internet use and reporting illegal downloaders to the governement. 

If this law is successful, it could very well be implemented in other countries, including the United States. 

What do YOU think?

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