Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Trashy Tv: Monday-Friday, Part Two

So I FINALLY caught up with last weeks episode of The Real Housewives of New York over the weekend. The episode was based on Halloween, and these rich people get CRAAAAAZY. Forget taking the kids trick or treating, they're too busy getting hammered in their ridiculous costumes [as evidenced below]!

As always, Bethenny's outfit was my fave.

So the drama on this episode revolves around the fact that Kelly invites everyone to her party at her house and then doesn't even show up. Doesn't come to her own party. I mean, who the hell does that?? It's like she is really, really trying to beat the point into them that she is lightyears above and better than them. I really didn't think I could hate her anymore than I already did, but every week I am truly surprised. Her party looked like it was being held at the Sigma Chi house [God help me if I am still throwing frat parties in my 30s]. When Kelly finally showed up, she was wearing a Playboy bunny outfit  [gah, i'm so boooooored with her] and was like "oh my gawd, where are all my fryyynds, why would they leave this fabulously awesome party???? waaaahhhhhhh". 

Evidently, in tonights episode, there is another Kelly/Bethenny fight. I can't wait!!!

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