Thursday, April 23, 2009

Quit Hatin'

Why must everyone hate? When was the last time you read a blog post that was uplifting to a celebrity [with the exception of Perez Hilton endorsing some "great new music" that he gets paid to write about]? It seems like we are always wanting to keep people down, or "kill the dream" as my UPS man likes to say [while pounding fists...].

Kohl's has announced that Lauren Conrad [yes that Lauren Conrad] is going to be doing a "California inspired" line for young girls that will be sold in their store. This for some reason has got a lot of people hatin'. Not me! I think it's great. I, personally, enjoyed a lot of the clothes in Lauren's line, but like others, thought that she needed to reevaluate her price point and soon. Unfortunately, she didn't do that and now her line is, much like Ross and Rachel,  "on a break".

Let us not forget that Lauren has actually graduated from FIT yet, so for her to even have a fashion line at all is fairly impressive. A line for youngsters at Kohl's is a great jumping off point for her, and a great way to for her to get her feet wet and get some experience to make her own line great. 

No hating on this blog! I'll tell it like it is, but I don't hate just to kill the dream. Keep the dream alive!

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