Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu

This bidness is starting to get serious. I'm thinking its time for a public panic- who's with me??

No, still just me? Meh, whatever.

I don't really get the swine flu thing. I was reading about it earlier and it's just the exact same symptoms as the regular flu, you just originally catch it from pigs, and you don't die from it. What's the big deal? I also don't get why everyone thinks that little flimsy paper masks are going to keep the flue away. I mean, maybe they will protect you, but you are sure going to look ridiculous until the epidemic is over.

I was explaining to my co-workers earlier how, for some reason, I picture people with swine flu as zombies and as it turns out, I am not the only one! We are now frightened that it is some sort of premonition on our parts so we have decided to invest in baseball bats. I suggest you do the same.

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