Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Trashy TV: Monday-Friday

Thank you, Josh Schwartz! You have heard our cries and you are fixing Gossip Girl! Or at least last nights episode made it seem that you were. It had wit, charm, dramatics, and overall goodness. I laughed, I felt warmth in my heart for Chuck Bass......all of these things a good episode make. 

Recap: Blair and Nate are still together. Nate's cousin, THE VANDERBILT, is getting married. Nate got into Columbia on his own and is now town as to whether he wants to go there or to Yale where his grandfather got him in [oh waaaah, poor baby]. Nate's grandfather, THE VANDERBILT, asks Blair for her help to convince Nate to go to Yale. She basically tells him she'll do it if he gets her in this socialite club [which really just sounded like the Junior League for uber rich people] AND....wait for it.....make her a bridesmaid in the wedding. Uh, come again? Blair, you have at your current disposal one of the most powerful men in the country, one who can call Yale and get anyone in. The last 10 bagillion episodes you've been crying b/c Yale won't take you anymore and you have a genie in a bottle who can get you into Yale and you ask to be a BRIDESMAID???????? You deserve NYU.

Oh, and Serena thought she got married in Spain but, don't worry! It was all just Spanish foolishness [she doesn't understand the language! what a story!]. Dan became a cater waiter to help pay for Yale, but Rufus sold his art gallery so his son wouldn't have to know the horror of a hard days work. Lily's attempts at hiding her real life pregnancy are becoming waaay to obvious. Jenny wants to date some unattractive hipster boy. Chuck apologizes to Jenny for trying to rape her last year. Dorota is on vacation and in love. Wait. Rewind. Chuck tried to rape Jenny last year? Yes, in fact, at the Kiss and Tell dance [I think that is what it was called??] and for some reason, randomly, they decided a year later to bring it back up. I don't get it, but I also like that Chuck apolgoized. I love him.

NEXT WEEK: Georgina is back! Dun dun duuuuuuuun. And......she's at church camp?

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