Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Zombie Survival Guide

Step One: Steal Their Cameras...

Surely by now you have all heard about Woody Harrelson attacking a TMZ photog, stealing his camera and assualting him and then defending himself by saying that he was still in character from a film he just did and he thought the paps were Zombies!

First of all, really? Really Woody? That's the best excuse you could come up with? You thought they were zooooombies? I think you should take your meds more often. And second of all, really? You thought they were zombies and all you did was take their cameras?? They're ZOMBIES Woody! Go for the heads! Attack! Kill! Do NOT let them bite you!!!

This is why Woody's defense would never hold up in court. If he just finished a movie about zombies then surely he knows the best way to kill one. He did not utilize these defenses. Therefore, I, Your Friend Lela, find Woody Harrelson guilty as charged.

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