Thursday, April 9, 2009

Blair Waldorf to a "T"

Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, this girl has bitch written all over her [and she got a five head- you know what I mean]. Meet Camille [even her name is bitchy!]. Camille's bio literally sounds like they took a Gossip Girl script and used Blair's activities to write Camille's bio. Most of her bio fits her look perfectly ["Always armed with acid tongued opinions and witty retorts"] but I'm having a little trouble with the part that says she can often be found playing the "peacemaker". Read: she starts a lot of drama and then gets forced by her parents or headmistress to apologize.

A junior in high school, 16-year-old Camille takes her studies seriously, balancing rigorous exams, lacrosse practice, studying for her SATS, the debate team and the college application process with aplomb. She's constantly on the lookout for a boyfriend, but no one seems to meet her impossibly high standards, despite the bevy of suitors knocking on her door. Camille thrives on high school drama and can often be found playing peacemaker, brokering a classic junior vs. sophomore high school feud, or saving a naïve freshman from social suicide. Always armed with acid-tongued opinions and witty retorts, the refined Camille loves to blow off steam by going out on the town at hot clubs around the city. 

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