Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Trashy TV: Monday- Friday Part Deux

<---This gurl iz stoopid.

That is what we learned on last nights episode of The Hills. Here's what I know: When Kelly Catron gives you a job at People's Revolution [whether MTV told her to or not], you DON'T FUCK IT UP. Which is, in a nutshell, exactly what Stephanie was doing. Is folding clothes hard? Is answering the phone hard? Um, i dunno, like, well, me and Heidi...........

Brody has a girlfriend. Something is wrong with her lips [think Octomom]. The boys are planning a trip to Hawaii [and for some reason they invite Spencer]. The girls were not invited, probably because the guys didn't want their trip to be televised, but the girls decide to crash anyway.  Awesome. 

Heidi and Spencer decide that their relationship is "so worth saving" [vom in my mouth] that they will go to couples counseling. Now, obviously, certain portions of The Hills [uh, the Heidi and Spencer portion] has been fake for quite sometime, but it's really almost too much to handle at this point. The time in the shrinks office was so ridiculous that I nearly changed the channel. The shrink finally told Heidi, "This drama is high school. Why are you with him?". Bet Heidi didn't see that question coming.

The show is ridiculous. When Lauren leaves I am done- finished- we're over! I could never watch a show of just Heidi and Spencer. The thought alone makes me want to slit my wrists and turn on "Zomebie"by the Cranberries at full blast.

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