Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Shameless, Selfless Plug

Do you know how to read? Do you like books? Do you like good people? If you answered yes [or no] to any of these questions, then do I have a book for you! The book is called "How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton World" and it was written by my good friend Jordan Christy. 

Jordan happens to be a phenominal writer and I simply cannot wait to read this book. Please buy it and tell your friends about it- she truly deserves the success. The book comes out [I Believe] in August, but you can preorder it below, or visit the website

How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton World
This smart and sassy guide shows young women how to find their own glamorous style, professional success, and love with class and grace.
In a society driven by celebutante news and profiles, women of class, style, and charm are hard to come by. But as thongs, rehab, and outrageous behavior burn up the daily headlines, employers still like to see a tailored suit, men still want women they can take home to their moms, and peers still respect professional conduct. Christy helps women channel their inner Kate or Audrey, dusting off old-fashioned virtues and giving them a whole new spin in today’s sexed-up culture. She shows how modern women can be beautiful, intelligent, and have it all — glamorous style, professional success, and true love and keep their values and morals intact along the way.

Order Your Copy Today:

Amazon Barnes and Noble Books-A-Million Borders

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