Monday, April 20, 2009

The Hell You Say!

I didn't know that the Universe would allow a Home Improvement reunion without the diety known as Jonathon Taylor Thomas. I knew something felt wrong with the world....

Evidently, my beloved JTT has TONS of really important shizz going on and couldn't attend [according to Wikipedia he is (probably) gay and is currently attending Columbia University's School of General Studies- my guess is that he's addicted to crystal meth and has a serious case of meth face that wasn't suitable for the TV Land Awards]. Perhaps he was hanging out with the other mysteriously missing former cast member Pamela Anderson? Now you KNOW she doesn't have anything better to do than the TV Land Awards. TV Land probably doesn't have the technology to bleep curse words and censor nipple slips, so odds are she wasn't even invited.

Oh Home Improvement- why did you leave me?

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