Thursday, April 2, 2009

God Made Me Hot

A friend of mine came across this nice piece of ridiculousness this morning and graciously shared it with me. I feel like it is my duty as a human being to pay it forward and now share it with you guys.

It's a little website called You may be wondering, "What does that mean?". Let me tell you....come awaaaaaay with meeeeeee.

Tamara, the girl who runs the site, is a HOT Christian girl [she makes the fact that she is HOT very clear]. Her mission is to ONLY date people who don't believe in Jesus and then lead them to salvation by not letting them buy her dinner or letting them touch her [IN ANY WAY- NO TOUCHIE!!!]. Despite the fact that she has yet to have any success stories [really?], she is recruiting other HOT Christian guys and gals to take on this role of "Mission Dating". Here are a few guidelines to follow:

1. If he tells your that you are hot...
Tell him God made you hot.

If he wants to hold your hand...
Give him a Bible.

If he tries to get closer...
Tell him the Holy Spirit is wooing him.

If he asks to pay for dinner...
Remind him that Jesus also paid a debt He did not owe!

If he reaches his arm around you...
Tell him that nobody will ever be as close to you as Jesus is.
(or ask him if you instead could "lay hands" on him in prayer)

6. If he tries to kiss you...
Remind him that a kiss killed your Savior.
(and you're not ready to "speak in tongues")

If he asks to come inside...
Ask him if he has asked Jesus to come inside his heart.

If he tells you he loves you...
Tell him that Jesus loves him.

If he gets angry that you won't put out...
Clarify to him that W.W.J.D. does NOT mean "Who would Jesus Do."

After you dump him...
Tell him that Jesus Christ will never leave or forsake him.

I mean, I truly have so many things to say about this, but I will try to keep it short. Don't be a crazy Christian. If you want to share your beliefs with someone then that is GREAT but DO NOT specifically date non believers for the purpose of getting them saved. That TRULY is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Also, God may love it when you abstain, but there's another thing he really loves- humbleness. You should try it on, cause this other thing you've got going on does NOT look good on you. Instead of running this ridiculous website and spewing your ridiculous made up dating bullshit, why don't you just find a great Christian guy at your church and date him? The world would be a better place- TRUST me.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I'm so glad you posted this. The website is blocked on our computers so I didn't see it on the email.

This is ridiculous. Did this girl not go to youth group? I mean missionary dating never works.