Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Trashy TV Monday through Friday


Did you watch The Real Housewives of NYC  last night? If not, you should have.

I think its no secret that LuAnn is not my favorite housewife, but now I have a new LEAST favorite and she comes in the form of Kelly the Bitchy Model. Oh, I am having so much fun hating her!! Bethenny is probably my favorite housewife [which kind of confuses me b/c she isn't married......neither is Kelly for that matter. Hmmmmmm]. She is sassy but also witty and charming. Shes the kind of reality show gem that doesn't come along very often- the kind that makes you think "Hmm, I could be friends with her in real life." She's my girl, and I've got her back all the way.

That is why last nights ep was so delightfully enraging!

Can you believe that??? "I'm up here. And you're down here." And Bethenny is just cool as a cucumber the entire time. I would have absolutely lost my SHIZZ if that model tramp and stepped to me like that. She would've had another think coming. I'm from Columbia dammit!

I require that you all hunt down the rest of the episode and watch it JUST to see how Kelly describes this altercation to everyone [falsely I might add]. The Countess actually won a few points with me last night when she defended Bethenny to Kelly. I liked that about her. Perhaps divorce is good for her? [Ouch. Burn. Sorry]. Seriously. Watch this show. You will lose an hour of your life that you can never get back, but lets be honest, you didn't really need that hour [and its not like you have anything better to do].

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