Thursday, April 30, 2009

His Tomb Wasn't Empty?

Oh yes it was! TMZ is reporting that they have found legendary rapper Tupac Shakur and that he is alive and well in New Orleans. People are evidently all up in arms about this- 2pac? Alive?

First of all...duh. Of course he's alive! I've been saying this for yeeeeeeaaaars. How many people do you know that can release, like, 10 albums worth of "b sides" after their death? Nobody! Nobody wastes that much time in the studio on shit they aren't going to use- studio time is expensive dawg! This just goes right along with my "He's Alive" theory and it's only a matter of time before we see Aaliyah [that's right, she's alive too. They were star crossed lovers and have been on a deserted island together. Evidently, Pac has escaped].

But heres the thing about the TMZ pictures- it isn't him. Or, at least, I don't think it's him. Now, I'm not exactly the foremost authority on this, except for the fact that I am. I have extensively compared photos of "new 2pac" and "old 2pac". Here's what I've found.

1) The lips don't match.
2) Tupac does not wear button up shirts
3) New Tupac's ears are set too high on the side of his head
4) Tupac doesn't drink Bud Light [me thinks he's more of a Crown kind of guy]
5) Tupac would never take the stud out of his ear but keep a nose ring. That is so emo. And Tupac is NOT emo.
6) Tupac does not hang out in bars with a bunch of white people.

Now, obviously, he might want to be a tad incognito as a person who faked his death, but he's still a gangsta! Pac would never stoop to the levels of Budweiser and JCrew- I just know it. Check out some "new 2pac" vs "old 2pac" photos below and let me know what YOU think [even though we all know I'm right].

Read This Book!


I haven't laughed out loud at a book in a very long time, but this book had me in stitches last night. Whether you love or hate her show, there is no way that a collection of one night stand stories [including one that involves a Skid Mark] will not make you laugh.

This Picture Has Just Made My Day

I hope that these twats have a new Michael Jackson complex and aren't wearing those masks because of swine flu.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Trashy TV: Monday- Friday

Yaaaay Real Housewives of New York! At this point in my life, there are few things that give me as much pleasure as that show does. That might sound sad and pathetic, but my life is  very fulfilled by this show [ok, wait, that was the sad and pathetic part]. 

There were really only two portions of this episode that mattered, the first being Alex and Simon's house-makeover-warming party in Brooklyn. Let's note a few things:

 1) Kelly was the first to arrive at the party and proceeded to ask A&S "If we were in New York, what part would we be in?" Now, granted, I'm no New Yorker, but there's this little concept called a borough. Sometimes they are grouped in fives. Sometimes all five are a part of New York City. But again, I'm no expert! Alex then turned her nose in the air and was all like, "Oh My Gawd, people act like it is such an inconvenience to cross that dang ole bridge, but it's only a 5 minute town car ride from Manhattan!" Ahmm. Again, I'm no native, but I feel fairly confident that it does not only take 5 minutes [in fact, GoogleMaps kindly tells me that it is a 14 minute drive]. But, who knows, perhaps Alex is riding in magical "town cars"- it is the lowly cabs [ew] that take oh so long to get to Brooklyn.

2) Their house. Oh. My. Stars. Red and Black bordello style? How does Simon even imagine he can fool us into thinking he's straight?? And here's the real kicker- does Alex actually not know??? I just can't tell. I'm just gonna say it, not that we had any doubts, but Ramona straight called this shizz! She may be one breath away from thatbitchisstraightupcrazy town, but her gaydar is on straight [no pun intended].

3) Did anyone else notice the absence of The Countess?? Evidently, a five minute "town car ride" is simply beneath her. She only goes to Brooklyn to tell underpriviledged black children that they are too fat to be models. 

The second thing worth noting from this episode is Bethenny vs. Kelly, Round 2 {Ding!}.
What the fuzzz is the matter with Kelly? Is she on crack? I loooooooved how she tried to turn the whole "I'm up here, you're down here, we don't talk" thing around on Bethenny and pretend that Bethenny was the one who said it. Genius!!! If I had been Bethenny I would've said, "Bitch hold on!", gotten the producer on the line and demanded he get some Brass Monkey's footage to Jill Zarins house IMMEDIATELY. You know that happened at some point- I'm DYING to know what Kelly said when she saw that episode air. Why all the other housewives seem to be so enamored with her I just don't understand. Why can't this be like The Real Housewives of Orange County where everyone HATED Gretchen? That was waaaaay more fun than everyone trying to play nicey nice for the cameras. Screw that, bring the dramz!

On another note, did you see the preview for next week? What on earth happens? Jill kicks Bethenny out of the charity event?????????????????????? THE HELL YOU SAY! Don't mess with my Bethie, Jill Zarin. You're my second favorite NY housewife and I don't want to break up with you, but [sniff, sniff] on Ginger's life, I'll do it! I simply MUST know what happens, and I'll bet the million dollars that I don't have that Kelly's bitch ass is behind it. I can't wait- only six more days!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Someone Help Her!

A Tribute To My Favorite Housewife

Trashy Tv: Monday-Friday, Part Two

So I FINALLY caught up with last weeks episode of The Real Housewives of New York over the weekend. The episode was based on Halloween, and these rich people get CRAAAAAZY. Forget taking the kids trick or treating, they're too busy getting hammered in their ridiculous costumes [as evidenced below]!

As always, Bethenny's outfit was my fave.

So the drama on this episode revolves around the fact that Kelly invites everyone to her party at her house and then doesn't even show up. Doesn't come to her own party. I mean, who the hell does that?? It's like she is really, really trying to beat the point into them that she is lightyears above and better than them. I really didn't think I could hate her anymore than I already did, but every week I am truly surprised. Her party looked like it was being held at the Sigma Chi house [God help me if I am still throwing frat parties in my 30s]. When Kelly finally showed up, she was wearing a Playboy bunny outfit  [gah, i'm so boooooored with her] and was like "oh my gawd, where are all my fryyynds, why would they leave this fabulously awesome party???? waaaahhhhhhh". 

Evidently, in tonights episode, there is another Kelly/Bethenny fight. I can't wait!!!

Movie Review: Part 1

Last night I was lucky enough to see a screening of Ghost of Girlfriends Past with my pal Mel Jaye. I was super pumped to see this movie, not because it looked so awesome, but because it's been a long time since I have seen a super cheesy chick flick and boy was I ready for it.

The movie did not dissapoint. It's super predictable and there is zero surprise to the ending, but let us remember that its not the destination but the journey [ or "the climb" as Miley would like us to call it]. Jennifer Garner played the same role that she does in every chick flick [don't change your ways Jenny, I love ya], Matthew McConaughey is not as funny as he thinks he is, but oh is he so pretty, and Lacey Chabert delivers as a crazy bridezilla [although, sometimes I found her annoying]. 

The movie is super cute, fairly funny, and a good mind eraser movie. Is it worth the $98 bucks it costs to see a movie nowadays? Not sure- I saw it for free. What I can tell you, is that it will be exactly the same on DVD.

For Alglennglander


Default Layouts


Default Layouts

Oh yeah, I brought back the crazy, trashy graphics JUST for your birthday.

Swine Flu

This bidness is starting to get serious. I'm thinking its time for a public panic- who's with me??

No, still just me? Meh, whatever.

I don't really get the swine flu thing. I was reading about it earlier and it's just the exact same symptoms as the regular flu, you just originally catch it from pigs, and you don't die from it. What's the big deal? I also don't get why everyone thinks that little flimsy paper masks are going to keep the flue away. I mean, maybe they will protect you, but you are sure going to look ridiculous until the epidemic is over.

I was explaining to my co-workers earlier how, for some reason, I picture people with swine flu as zombies and as it turns out, I am not the only one! We are now frightened that it is some sort of premonition on our parts so we have decided to invest in baseball bats. I suggest you do the same.

Trashy TV: Monday- Friday, Part One

For the first time in my life, I want to join the cast of The Hills. While that may sound extreme, please listen to my reasoning before you judge me [ and I know you are]. There are very few people I know my age that can just up and go to Hawaii without having to worry about taking off work and life and what not. Wouldn't that pretty much be the dream life? 

Anywho, off to the recap. Lauren, Lo, Audrina, and Stephanie [who continues to AMAZE me with her stupidity] decide to crash the boys trip in Hawaii. They all get drunk and Audrina and Brody hook up. Wah wah. Hawaii is fun!

Meanwhile, back on the mainland, Heidi and Spencer still hate each other and are in love and Heidi's high school boyfriend Colby [remember him? Mama Montag tried to force him on Heidi when she was in CO a few episodes ago] is coming for a visit. Heidi doesn't think it will be awkward AT ALL for all of them to hang out so she arranges a "double-date". Colby and his girlfriend don't drink because "nothing good comes from it" [au contraire friends- i have had MANY a good time result from drinking]. Colby's girlfriend proceeds to tell Heidi that she "looks different" [bahahahahahahaha] and then Spencer grills them about being virgins. Basically, the best dinner ever. Sorry, Spencer, that not everyone is a man whore like you and that some people in the world still wait until they are married to have sex. Speaking of marriage, Heidi and Spencer got married this past weekend [evidently for real this time, not like all of the fakery that went down in Mexico. I hope they didn't get the swine flu. Wait, did I say didn't?]. 

Spencer decided to take Colby boxing to "get out some of his aggression" and proceeded to ask him where in the Bible it says that you can't have sex before you are married. Colby's response was "I'm not sure, but I can look it up." Um, dear Colby, if you are going to live your life around one verse in the Bible, perhaps you should KNOW WHAT THE VERSE IS.

I'm done with this recap. It's boring me. Season blah blah of The Hills is boring. I will continue to watch anyway. Someone get me a life? Please?

For All My Nunis

Monday, April 27, 2009

Vom In My Mouth...

....and all over my desk. Gah, I hope this is a reality tv joke. Maybe they're bringing Punk'd back and the first target is America?

Ugh, I'm So Bored

Bored with everything about Cameron Diaz.

She used to be so young and fresh, and now she is just looking old and matronly. I noticed this for the first time yesterday when "There's Something About Mary" and "In Her Shoes" were on back to back. She is not aging unwell, in fact, that they are casting her as a mom now! A mom of teenagers! JT must've broken her heart because this girl has gone down. hill. since they broke up.

You Will Love

I command it.


Monday, era era, Remix!

Hall & Oats - I Cant Go For That (Streetlab mix) - Streetlab


In a nutshell, I'm pretty much obsessed with Gavin DeGraw's new EP Free. Therefore, you are getting lots of Gavie Daddy today [some from Free and some not]. 

03 Stay -

FREE - Gavin DeGraw

Get Lost - Gavin DeGraw

Lay Me On The Water - Gavin DeGraw

Mountains To Move - Gavin DeGraw