Friday, July 18, 2008

Transport Yourself Green

It's impossible to go anywhere/listen to anything/watch anything these days without hearing something about going green. You all know I'm a proponant (Meredith and I took our recycling on Saturday...............MAN that felt GOOD! heehee)
My favorite part about "going green", or perhaps just the gas crisis, has been seeing the way that people change how they get around. The other day on the way to work a car pulled in front of me and it was one of those cars that had been converted to run on used grease. You may wonder how I could was basically b/c i instantly got a craving for a hamburger and french fries and realized that it was because the car in front of me was emitting an aroma of junk food!! (a la Rob and Big where they go to the hamburger joint to get the leftover french fry grease haha) So good for them for going green! They are just making all the other drivers on the road HUNGRY!

Also there is a girl i see riding up and down music row on her bicycle a lot. She is so adorable. She looks like she came straight out of a "Girls Next Door" catalog circa 1953. She's riding her little bike with a wicker bicycle basket all over the place. I think that's fabulous. Really I do. It's adorable. I just feel for her. I dont know whats in her basket, but I know what would be in mine........a bottle of water (sure) brush...deodorant and a strong perfume. For goodness sakes! It's July in Tennessee! Can you IMAGINE how TERRIBLE you must smell after riding a bicycle everywhere? What if you had to ride across town for a date on your bicycle? Gaaaaah you would smell so bad by the time you got there!

Man. God love them. I'm all for going green, but i'm starting with recycling my glass bottles. For now, I still love my car!

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