Friday, July 18, 2008

A few things on my mind...

...Beginning with this morning. I was behind an SUV with a bumper sticker that said "HUMAN KIND. Be Both." which I happen to think is a great quote. BUT they proceeded to have multiple bumper stickers that completely bashed George W. Bush, and one even called him an idiot on it. Now, i think you would have a hard time this day and age finding someone who actually still completely supported George W. Bush ( i certainly don't). Do I think he's an idiot?........yeah pretty much. He's not the brightest crayon in the box for sure, certainly not when it comes to foreign policy and WARS, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to display my opinions about him all over my car! At some point I think there should be at least a smidge of respect for the office of the President........but that's another post. This isn't really about George's about practicing what you preach. If you're going to preach Kindness, or Love, or CoExistence, or whatever, then LIVE IT! Don't contradict yourself on one fender!

Another thing: why are postal workers so disgruntled all the time? We've come up with a few theories in my office, but i'll get to that. All in all, they have pretty good jobs, right? I mean, they work for the government which means they get paid well ( trust me, I know postal workers who are doing a ok for themselves), they get LOTS of holidays, which is awesome, and they get to sort mail, which i personally find to be super fun. Now, reasons why they are possibly disgruntled: Obviously their uniforms leave a bit to be desired, but lots of people have terrible uniforms and are still perfectly friendly (example: the staff at Cracker Barrel). Also, I'm sure there's a constant threat of a package containing a bomb or perhaps a disgruntled former employee shooting up the place, but hey, we've all got work issues. And yes sure, they have to put up with the generally postal uninformed public on a daily basis, but again LOTS of people deal with fools on a daily basis. I have YET to meet a postal worker who was cheery or friendly, nevermind both (especially at the Acklen Post Office in Nashville, can I get an Amen?). Postal workers, hear our cry! Try to smile every now and again?

and lastly (for today).....MINIVANS! They are freaking EVERYWHERE and it is my theory that no one who owns a minivan is actually a good driver. Let me rephrase that: perhaps if you are the owner of a minivan and a Toyota Camry, you drive perfectly in the Camry, but i guarantee the moment you get behind the wheel of that van you are going to be a driving fool! Take notice of the wrecks you see on the side of the road...I'd be willing to bet that at least 80% of these involve minivans. Here's what I propose: Lets take all the minivans ( and their terrible driver owners) and place them all on an island (with no bridges mind you). Then they can all just crash into one another and leave the rest of us alone!

Peace and Love ( and minivan hating)


*Originally posted January 9, 2008*

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