Monday, July 21, 2008

Consumer Report

Just a warning for the fellas....this post might not be for you (unless you're curious about the product below). ;)
This weekend whilst perusing the aisles of Target ( as i like to do), I was looking for some new razor blades and came across the new Nair Shower Power. Now I haven't used Nair on my legs probably since I was in middle school (mostly because it didn't work), but this product intrigued me. Put it on and leave it on while in the shower, and it does all the work for you? Plus you wont have to shave as often??? Count me in!
So I buy the stuff (along with my razors....just in case!) and pay 5.99 for it (the same product made by Veet was a dollar more). I get home and prepare myself to never have to shave my legs again. You have to put the product on (with a sponge that is included) and let it sit for at least two minutes before getting in the shower. Also, DON'T RUB IT IN! Apparantly that part is pretty important. I will say that I could already feel a burning tingle before I even got in the shower.
So I'm in the shower, I'm doin my thing, and I'm thinking "I should probably wash this off soon" (evidently it's also quite important that you not leave it on for more than 10 minutes). So I start washing off in a circular motion with the sponge aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand...........................nothing. I could barely tell the difference. So of course I had to go back and reshave my legs. BUMMER! So instead of saving me time this product essentially prolonged the showering process. Grrrrrrrr.
I will say this for the legs did seem a bit softer so I think it's fairly moisturizing. I also think that if used on an area with denser hair it would probably work better ( i tested it on my arms too and it worked pretty well there). If you're looking for a product to replace shaving, this isn't it. Sorry ladies.
I'm here for you! Got a product you're curious about? Lemme know. Maybe I'll try it out for you!
Hope you all had a great weekend!

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