Friday, July 18, 2008

Entertaining Things.....

Let's start this off right......with a review of Sex In The City. That's right folks I've already seen it. Let me prefice the review with saying that I am a HUGE fan of the show. Much like my friend Melinda, I became a fan after the show went into syndication............not a lot of HBO watching in my house. That being said, if you love the show you WILL love this movie. There is simply no way that you couldn't.
Now I know the movie has gotten some bad reviews but the only thing I can figure is that these people were not completely familiar with the show and probably felt left out. If you haven't seen the show the movie is probably not going to make a lot of sense to you and you're going to be lost the whole time. So if you're thinking the movie looks intriguing but you've never seen the show, I would recommend waiting for the dvd and watching the entire series while you wait.
The movie did a spectacular job of making the viewer feel like they were a 5th friend in Carrie's circle. I laughed, Melinda cried, there was excitement, nervousness, happiness, was everything I hope it would be. Even the fellas we were with enjoyed it (although I'm sure the nudity helped.......and people, this movie ain't for the kids!). I'm looking for a list to pre-order the dvd. I loved it. Go see it.
INDIANA JONES 4-----------
Ok maybe I've just been in movie mode but I also really liked this movie. It was a touch cheesy in parts but it was an Indiana Jones movie.........thats kind of the point. I thought it was funny and exciting and right in line with other Indy films. Granted.....the aliens were a bit odd ( and that isn't ruining the movie, you know there are aliens in the first 5 mins), but as it was pointed out to me Indiana Jones has done other supernatural things so why not aliens?
If you are a special effects buff you probably aren't going to love this movie. The original Indiana Jones flicks came out in the 80s............since then we've grown quite accustomed to these outrageous special effects. This movie was made in the style of the original movies so there isn't a lot to blow you out of the water. In a nutshell, it's another movie worth paying $9.25 (yes that's how much movies cost now!) to see in the theaters. Go see it

Adele- Listen to her. Love her. Everything a London songstress should be (this girl is no Duffy.......). Imagine if Corinne Bailey Ray and Amy Winehouse had a baby. She might sound something like Adele. Check her out at
Kathleen Edwards- Her new cd is called Asking for's pretty much amazing. All of her cds are good. If you're not familiar get that way. She's incredible. A little bit folksy, a little bit country, a little bit rock. A Smashing combo. Check her out at
Sia- Fun music. Enough said.
Also I'm not gonna lie. I'm diggin on the new Scarlett Johansson doing Tom Waits cover album. It's very different. But I like it.
Also watch out for the new Emmylou Harris album because it's SOOOO GOOOOOOOD.

Additionally I need to add that there happen to be two female "pop" singers who are going "country". I've heard both. I support neither.

The end!

*Originally posted May 28, 2008*

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