Thursday, July 17, 2008

Today’s topic is brought to you by the Letter M (for Melinda)

So I've been watching a lot of Friends lately ( I got two new seasons for Christmas, yay!).
Let's discuss the irony of this: I'm sitting on my couch, alone (usually), watching a show about six friends who are always with each other. Hmmmm.

Dear LeeAnn, Maybe you should get real friends instead of tv friends???

Jokes,jokes (kind of), but seriously who doesn't like Friends? The truth is lots of people. Another truth? I dont like those people. If you dont like Friends, then I can't be your friend. So there.
What's not to like? A tight knit group of twenty somethings ( face it people, OUR AGE), who live in awesome apartments in new york city, rarely work, evidently get paid loads of money, drink and hook up a lot, and hang out in a coffee shop!!!!! COME ON! I want that life! Starbucks can suck it, I want to go to Central Perk.

Real friends can't always hang out. They have jobs and responsibility, relationships and family's. Sometimes real friends screw you over, or you have arguments and don't talk for awhile. Sometimes real friends live far away. But my FRIEND friends? They're always there. ALWAYS.

and now we've reached the point where I feel like a total loser and need to go talk to a real person.
Peace,Love, and Friends,

*Originally posted on February 21, 2008*

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