Friday, July 18, 2008

Topical Things...

Topical Things...

So what's the deal with Madonna? Ok sure, she's smokin hot to be as old as she is (gotta be getting close to 75 right?) but does that really mean she needs to trapse around in underpants all the time? Ok, Confessions on a Dancefloor was a dance album, I get it! You need to wear a leotard (that almost shows your vag) and leggings. Sure, I"ll go along with that.


in your new video ( and song in which you musically corrupt my Justin Timberlake........aka, the song ain't good Madge) you look like a total tramp! you're wearing, what? a nude colored bustier with, if my memory serves, hooker boots? and you and JT are unddressing each other? whaaaaaaaaaaaaa? seriously, madonna, we all know you didn't get that body by doing pilates and yoga and going to the kaballah center. did pilates and yoga give you that black eye? of course not. know what did? surgery! and if you're willing to go into surgery for one thing, you're willing to go in for all (kind of like the once a cheater always a cheater theory). Forget the Miley Cyrus picture, why isn't anyone talking about how Madonna needs to recognize her age?!

But......who could forget the Miley Cyrus pictures? Ok. Listen. So her back is, and? you'd see more if she were in a bikini on the beach, but i highly doubt anyone would be up in arms about that. The most scandalous thing about that picture is how her lipstick makes her look like The Joker (areyouserious). People are up in arms because she supposed to be a role model to these little many little girls do you know that read Vanity Fair? oh, whats that? zero? yeah, that's what I thought. Brooke Shields did Blue Lagoon when she was 14! The girl was straight up NAAAAAKED in that movie........did anyone forget? And we can't really even call that art, it was more like a B rate film.

Let's be honest, a dummy Miley Cyrus is not (otherwise I doubt she would've made it here by 15). Right now she's a Disney star, but that ship sails pretty quickly the closer you get to 18 and it's not always easy to break yourself out of that mold (hello hilary duff?). If she starts to show a more adult side in Vanity Fair now, then these types of opportunities can only increase which will in turn increase her chance of getting adult roles when the time is right. She's just a kid. Lay off her. Until she starts showing her boobs in Playboy, I think there are greater things that our country needs to worry about.

Oh and Miley, if you're reading, stop apologizing for everything. It makes you seem like a liar, but also, you just dont need to apologize for this.

*Originally Posted April 30, 2008*

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