Thursday, July 31, 2008

No, No, No Ma'am!

I think I speak for all of us when I say When is this bitch going to die?! I mean SERIOUSLY, what is she, some kind of crazy human cat with 9 lives?? Her death seems so imminent that at my office we have taken to places bets about when she is going to die (so you think that seems a little harsh? i think you're just mad that you didn't think of it!).

Our first deadline was Memorial Day....she skated through that. Our second deadline was the 4th of July, and she barely made it there, so I'm thinking by Labor Day she's definitely a goner (I'm not sure what it is with the American holidays, but I'm sure there's some irony to be found somewhere in there).

Seriously though, it's extremely sad that this time last year Amy's career this side of the pond was really taking off and Rehab was the song stuck in everybody's head. She was destined to be a legendary singer. Now it seems she is destined to be a legendary singer who died far too soon from drug use.

The people around Amy need to grow a pair and fix this girl up. Look at Britney! She's doing great! I mean, does Britain not do conservatorships???

Amy, we love ya. Get some help. If you can't do it for yourself, do it for us. We don't want to be left wondering how incredible that next album could've been.

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