Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Gas Prices Down

Thank the Lord! Gas prices have finally begun to fall (in our area at least). The Mapco by my house was around $4.09 a gallon just at the end of last week, today it's at $3.79. I can only hope that they continue to fall. According to what I've read (http://http// gas prices are down because of a decrease in demand. I suppose this is somewhat true ( it's simple economics), but could it also be because car companies are finally beginning to embrace other methods of fuel?

Honda has introduced a new Hydrogen based car the FCX Clarity which can be yours for the low low lease price of $600 a month (for a 3 year lease). Might that have oil companies shaking in their boots in fear that other companies will follow suit?

Let's hope they're right. Well done Honda.

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