Friday, July 18, 2008

rock this bitch

so i had another weird dream last night....

for some strange reason i was in ben folds band. and i was playing the piano, which obviously makes no sense. and i had no music, everyone just assumed that i knew how to play his ridiculously intricate songs (perhaps i will after i get my piano and am able to play everyday!)

anywho so ben is playing some other instrument, and the audience set up is like the live at myspace broadcast ( if you didn't see it, check out the video on my page) and ben goes to introduce me to the audience before the show and he forgets my name so i'm like "LeeAnn!" and he can't hear me and i'm like "LEEANN!" and he says "what?!" so i start spelling my name to him from across the room ( why are we so far apart?!) in SIGN LANGUAGE. that's right. and in my dream ( and possibly real life) Ben Folds doesn't know sign language. So I looked like a FOOL. and the last i remember is looking down at the keys before the show started and thinking "i am definitely about to fuck this up"

weird right?

*originally posted on November 29.2007*

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