Friday, July 18, 2008

Kindness... a pretty basic word. But evidently it's a concept that some people just can't grasp a hold of.

And here's the thing: it's IMPOSSIBLE for everyone to be nice all of the time. I know that. It's impossible that you're going to like every person that you come across. It's impossible that every person is going to like you. It's impossible that you'll be able to please all of the people all of the time. But here's the all comes down to human decency. Just because so and so might not be your favorite person doesn't mean that you shouldn't treat them with basic human resepct. What gives you the right to be a dick to someone just because you CAN?

Now I know people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I'm not saying I'm perfect. I'm not saying that I am nice to every single person that I might. But I TRY. I am TRYING. I believe that everyone deserves to be respected. I believe that everyone deserves that basic human decency. Am I always kind? Unfortunately, no, but it's a flaw, we all have them, and I'm working on me.

My point is....

Be careful to take notice of those who are around you who genuinely care for you and have your best interests at heart. They're the ones with whom you should pay particular attention to how you speak to them and how you treat them. Not everyone sticks around for abuse. There are other "fish" in the sea, ones who might appreciate this love and loyalty, and you never know when the abused are going to swim off to clearer waters.

I know when I'm doing fish analogies that it's probably time to bring the blog to a close (haha), but remember: what goes around comes around. Next time someone screams at you for no reason dont come crying to's possible that i'll tell you that you deserved it.

Be Kind to One Another. -L

*Originally posted July 1, 2008*

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