Friday, July 18, 2008

Country Gone Rap???

Let's start this morning off right....with a blog! Grab your cup of coffee, your red bull, or your Diet Doctor Pepper (that's right, I know my readers!) and let's start this morning off right.
So lately there has been a lot of talk about Pop going Country: Jessica Simpson, Jewel, Darius Ruker (sp?) and even a little Rap going Country (Snoop Dogg?!?!).
But no one has really brought any attention to the fact that Country is trying to go Rap ( and no I am not talking about Cowboy Troy...)

Next time you're just chillaxin with not a lot to do, flip over to GAC or CMT and watch a few country music videos. Now it's no surprise that the Country Music Association doesn't have a special awards ceremony for Country Music Videos. Everyone knows that they're pretty much horrible. But have we noticed how many "video girls" the videos are starting to contain??
I'm not sure where the Hillbilly Whore trend began.........perhaps it was with an artist (who shall remain unnamed for certain reasons) who took a rap term describing the bootay and turned it into a surprisingly catchy (and successful) song. I remember some video girls then...........I remember a song about "tequila" and how it makes a girl's.......ahem......."clothes fall off". I halfway remember some semi-whorelacious girls in that video.

But when I REALLY noticed the trend was in a video the other day by a country duo.........not a good one.......who are frankly pretty trashy.......who basically had half naked Playboy models in their videos. Whaaaaaatttttt?!

I get it. You're successful now. You think you're a rock star (ps- you're not!). You think you're a badass (again-not). You like to sing about family values (i doubt you have any) and then you put HOOKERS in your videos! Country music is supposed to be music that the whole family can enjoy. That's not to say there aren't or shouldn't be topical issues (teenage pregnancy, drinking, drugs, and death for example) but geez louise can we try to keep the videos classy?
It's not even the class factor that bothers me I guess........there's not a whole lot of it to be found these days. But I have to say that video girls in rap and pop videos make more sense to me..........b/c they usually belong there! It's not unusal to hear a rap song about "girls in tha club shakin dat thaaang" fact, video girls are nearly appropriate!

But not in country music. Ever really. Unless the song is about boootaaaaays. And then MAYBE I can handle it.

Don't be something you're not.

This was a bit of a ramble. Hope it makes some kind of sense.

*Originally posted June 24, 2008*

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