Friday, July 18, 2008

midget sex tapes

Ew, Ew, Ew, Ew, Ew!!!!!

Ok so I may not be the best judge of this subject because, as you may know, I am somewhat afraid of midgets ( and by somewhat I mean that I once hid in the shoe stock room at JCrew while a midget was in the store). That being said, I dont understand midget sex and i ESPECIALLY dont understand midget sex tapes.
Midgets ( or little people, wee ones, vertically challenged, whatever you like to call them) are people too, so sure they have needs and (gag) desires. And sure, i can understand them being attracted"big people"? But my confusion comes when the "big people" are attracted to the little people. I just don't get it. And yes folks, this attraction oft times leads to midget sex. Puke!!!! ( i wasn't sure how many exclamation marks that needed to get my point across). It doesn't seem like the anatomy would be quite right in midget/big person sex. Am I wrong about this? It just doesn't seem like it's going to be enjoyable for anyone!
Recently, Mini Me himself had a sex tape leaked. I could be wrong, but I've been told it had two women in it (anybody know? if so, WHY?) That means that not 1 but TWO women were attracted to his little self! Now TMZ has given a lot of coverage to that story and frankly the girl he was dating is good looking! That is even more confusing to me. In that particular case, it's not even the fact that he's small, it's that he's a jerk! You know how it's an unwritten but understood law that people who are unattractive on the outside have to have a good personality in order to make up for it? (That sounds so shallow.........rememeber humor here folks, this is for laughs). Well, Vern must not have gotten that memo. He seems like a douche! A douchey midget! What a combo!
I guess theres a market for midget sex in porn...........if there can be foot fetishes (ewwww) and weird stuff like that, i guess people can like looking at midgets bumpin boots.................but why would you want to do it yourself with them?????

Why, why, why, why, why?!

*Originally posted July8, 2008*

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