Monday, August 11, 2008

You Wouldn't Be Pointing So Hard If It Were You

Everyone should really, really lay off John Edwards. The man made a mistake, yes. He lied about it, yes. But he lied to US because we had no reason to know. It's a family matter, his family knew about it, and his family has forgiven him, so there is no place for the public to even be involved. It's not like he had an affair with this woman in the oval office while he was the sitting President.

Infidelity happens for many reasons, many of which can't be explained, and it is HARD for the people who go through it, and even harder when they think (or KNOW) that everyone is talking about their personal family situation. John Edwards is no longer in the Presidential race. Why is this even news?

I say this to the journalists who are knocking down his door and tearing his name to shreds: If it were you ( and it IS many of you), you wouldn't want people putting your personal business all over the news. Leave the man alone.

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