Thursday, August 14, 2008

There is Hope for the Hopeless

John Mayer: I've Hooked Up With Fans

John Mayer may be begging for mercy from gal-pal Jennifer Aniston after revealing at an event on Tuesday that he's gotten more-than-friendly with his fans.“I might’ve hooked up with people, but as soon as I hooked up with them they weren’t fans anymore, so technically no,” he said during Z100’s Z Lounge With John Mayer held at NYC’s Spotlight Live. “Do you respect me for my honesty? The answer is: Yes I have. Not in a really long time. Not since the cameraphone. That cameraphone will get you, even if you’re sleeping. Your doughy frame all laying in a bed dead-like. I can’t deal with that. I’m not trusting enough to open up to anyone I don’t know very well anymore, which is good for my immune system.”

While former Friends star Jen didn’t appear to be hanging around for the Q&A session, the 30-year-old crooner made it clear he wouldn’t be cracking jokes about his new love in comedy clubs, a mistake he made when he opened up about former flame Jennifer Love Hewitt in 2006.“If you do standup, a lot of the stuff you talk about isn’t true," he expained. "It’s a reference to help illustrate the overall truth and I really can’t get away with getting onstage and talking about poop. I’m aware that there’s a certain focus on the things that come out of my mouth. I have to be really careful. Whenever you get up onstage and do standup, you really are supposed to be able to say what comes to my mind if it’s really thoughtful overall."

But perhaps the worst part about his comedy act — it just didn't get the laughs: "I also wasn’t funny," John confessed.

To check out the rest, click here

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