Monday, August 25, 2008

Another Movie Musing.....

Trailers could quite possibly be the best part of movie time. Last night before Step Brothers there was a trailer for He's Just Not That Into You (um, done and done. Way to go movie marketers, I will be there!) and also the new Oliver Stone film W.

Now, anyone who knows me probably knows that I'm not a Bush supporter. It's very likely that he'll go down in history as one of the worst Presidents we've ever had. But I also think that this movie miiiight be a pinch inappropriate for the time. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying that this movie shouldn't have been made and should never be released. I just think that maybe we should have a little respect for the office of the Presidency and AT LEAST wait until there is a new president in office to release this film ( essentially push the release back 3-4 months. Release date is vague right now, it just says "Coming This Fall").

It almost feels like when the movies were made about 9/11 and people were saying "Too soon"......our country is in such a divded state right now, it feels like this movie will do nothing to help that. It looks as though it will be a really good movie, I just feel uneasy about the timing.

One of the greatest things about being an American is having the right to free speech and being able to openly criticize our government without fear of repercussion, but if WE do not offer Respect to the office (hear me correctly, not necessarily the person, but at least the office), then how can we expect any other country to respect us as a country?


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