Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Bit of Tuesday Randomness

Since I spent this weekend with my mom in Columbia we continued a trend that we have during my visits- movie time (in particular movies from the $5 bin at WalMart. Thank you Sam Walton). We came across Spanglish which neither of us had ever seen so we bought it (among a few others).
It was a super super cute movie (little late to the Spanglish wagon, I understand.) It made me laugh out loud, but it also touched on some interesting social issues that got me thinking about a few things, but one in particular: cheating.
At what point do we consider cheating cheating? Does that just depend on the person or the couple? We're not talking "swingers" or "open relationships" here people, we're talking normal, middle America people who have at least a pinch of morals.
In the movie (spoiler alert) the wife cheats on the husband. Her first words of confession to him were along the lines of "I've spent the past 11 weeks with another man". He then asks her very persistently whether or not she had slept with him. Of course she had, but hold on......if the answer had been no, would it have no longer have been an issue? The woman just spent eleven weeks of quality time with another man while you were home alone. Even if there was no sex, does dinner, a movie, and loads of flirtation count as cheating?
On the flip side, the husband was in love with the housekeeper and Up until the revelation of his wife's outside lovelife he had never otuwardly acted on his feelings for her. But he loved her in his heart. He lusted after her in his heart. That's still emotional cheating right? It might not be the kind that ruins relationships, but (call me crazy) if my husband were in love with another woman, I'm pretty sure I'd be upset about that (and hopefully have the wisdom to notice)!
When you have a girlfriend but continually pursue another girl (whether the ways be obvious or subtle)- that's emotional cheating!
So when does emotional cheating become actual cheating? After prolonged periods of it? Or never?
Oh Spanglish- you make me think so much.

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