Wednesday, August 13, 2008

MIracles DO Happen!

God Bless the Stars and Stripes, Britney is healed! Look at that girl, just look at her! She looks NORMAL. Woohoo! She sounds normal. Woohoo! And look at those babies. Adorable!
I have no idea when I turned from a Britney hater to a Britney supporter, but I've pretty much decided that was her plan all along. This is what I think.....Britney never went crazy! It was all an act (she should get an Oscar!). It was just a huge long term publicity stunt. Britney pretends to go crazy, go to rehab, and turn British, everyone feels sorry for her, and the haters convert. BRILLIANT!
She may act like a simple girl from Louisiana, but this girl's got brains y'all.

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