Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Time to Read

A review of a few of the books I've read recently.

Jodi Picoult is, very simply, one of my favorite authors. Her books all contain some serious social issue (this one contains a school shooting- that doesn't ruin anything I promise). Her books are very well written, with no detail left unresearched. They are usually fairly lengthy ( best guess 300 pages +) but they are such page turners that they can definitely be read in jsut a few days.
Check out this book here

The book that I just finished over the weekend was In Her Shoes.
I think I was a little behind the boat on this one ( i haven't seen the movie either!), but i really liked this book. This was the first of Jennifer Weiner's books that I have read, but I think I'll definitely be checking out more.
I dont have a sister (which could be surprising considering that two out of the three books i've posted on are about sisters) but I still felt like this book was relatable. It was funny at times, it made me want to jump in the book and punch Maggie at other times. I kind of wanted to hit Rose for forgiving Maggie for all the things that she does, but I guess that's the sisterly bond that I dont totally understand. I've heard the book is better, but I guess I'm gonna have to run out and rent the movie now too. Check out this book

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