Monday, August 25, 2008

Things I Recommend

This stuff is absolutely INCREDIBLE. If you have dry skin of any kind, this ought to clear it right up. it's is the softest, most velvety body butter I have ever experienced. It leaves your skin feeling soft and smoother for hours, and as an added bonus has a wonderfully light scent that is reminiscent of CK One (throwbacks!) Buy it here.

Also, while purchasing this wonderful Body Butter at Sephora, I was given a sample of a new Philosophy product ( a brand i LOVE) called The Microdelivery Exfoliating Wash. Looooove this stuff. For those of you with sensitive skin, this has absolutely no scent. It feels just every so slightly gritty on your fingers and face, and I have to say right away I couldn't tell a difference. The next day, however, I put on moisturizer and no makeup and everytime I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror I would think "Why does my face look so good" ( and trust me, this is not a thought I think often). I finally realized that it just had a glow about it and the only logical answer was the Philosophy sample I had been given. Luckily, each sample contains enough product for 2 uses, and I have another left. It only runs about $25, but if that's just a bit much for you to commit to, run to Sephora and ask for a sample or two. If I've already won you over, then purchase it here

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