Monday, August 25, 2008

Step Brothers

It was so rainy and dreary here yesterday that I just had to go see a movie. I haven't been to the "theater daaahling" in quite sometime (not since the Dark Knight- Evan come home!) so my list of movies I've been wanting to see had kind of stacked up.

It was a toss up about which one to see, but we settled on Step Brothers- one we all had heard was pretty great.

Well.......the movie is really great in the beginning. I laughed a lot for maybe the first half. But then it just kind of seemed that they ran out of material. I'm not one to really be offended by crude language or jokes, but when you're relying on the "f" word to get a laugh, it gets pretty old pretty quick. Gimme a funny joke with a wordy dird in it and I'm all about it, but give me just a "fuck" and expect me to laugh? Not worth my $8.

It got kiiiiinda funny again at the end, but not enough to make me think that they hadn't completely lost their focus.

Overall, a pretty funny film, but one that you could definitely save your money on and rent. I give it a B-. See the trailer below.


Unknown said...

Whole heartedly agree...

Melinda said...

how did you feel about the very end with the kids? that kind of disturbed me.

i completely agree with you by the way....