Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Beyonce: Scam or just Light Skinned?

So all the blog seems to be upset recently over the new L'Oreal ad featuring Beyonce (shown below) where Beyonce's skin tone was supposedly lightened. They're all calling "bullshit" on L'Oreal, but I'm gonna take it a step further and call "bullshit" on the original "bullshit" callers (still following me?). I've taken it upon myself to find some pictures of Beyonce to see how her skin tone compares to the L'Oreal ad. The first picture below is a comparison of the ad to how Beyonce supposedly looks in everyday life. The pictures below that are in order of lightest skin tone to darkest (in the photos that I found and picked out of the millions of her on the web).

In none of this pictures is Beyonce's tone as dark as it is in the comparison picture (left side). Her tone in the live shots (which, maybe I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure aren't airbrushed) is much closer to the tone in the ad. Additionally, everything about the ad looks "faded".....which would most likely happen after being printed in a magazine (assuming this is from a magazine ad) and being scanned into a computer. Some distortions will occur! It is ignorant to think that African Americans skin tone doesnt' change- of course it does! They're just like Hispanics, Caucasians, Asians, all of us! If we spend time in the sun our skin darkens. The less exposure we have to the sun's rays, the light our skin will become (to an extent, depending on the person, NOT the race). Hair color can also be a factor. When my hair is a lighter brown or blonde, I tend to look even more fair skinned than I usually do, but when I dye it dark it generally adds some color to my cheeks.

My main point here is, race continues to be a major issue in our country largely due to the fact that WE MAKE IT ONE! The sooner we stop making it an issue, then the sooner we will eventually stop seeing it at all, and we will all just be the people that we are instead of the ethnicities we came from.

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