Sunday, August 24, 2008


I love dogs. I love dogs not just for their cuteness and cuddliness, but because they are loyal. Sometimes loyal to a fault. But a dog will pretty much never leave you (unless you give it away- sorry Wally).

Unfortunately, people are not the same- which is ironic if you think about it because humans that lack these qualities are often called "dogs" themselves. People for the most part just can't be trusted. Some are fortunate to have in their lives a whole army of loving and supportive people who would be there for them at a moments notice. Others are lucky to only have one or two.

It is for that reason that it is hard for some to open up, to trust other people outside of their very small circle. But sometimes it happens. Sometimes people prove themselves to be exactly what you need in your life, and they proclaim that they can fill a void.

So it pretty much sucks when it turns out that none of that was true.

So for those of you in my life that aren't loyal and won't have my back when I need you to- stay out of my small circle. Because you know what? I'd have yours when you need me to. I would have had yours. Stay out of my small circle. I don't need anyone else in my life who will hurt me.

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