Wednesday, January 28, 2009

She's Just Mad That She Has a Fat Sister!

Ashlee Simpson took to her blog to address the fact that the "media" (is that me?) have been talking bad about her sister Jessica b/c she put on a few lbs.

Since when did a woman's weight become newsworthy...

I am completely disgusted by the headlines concerning my sister's weight.  A week after the inauguration and with such a feeling of hope in the air for our country, I find it completely embarrassing and belittling to all women to read about a woman's weight or figure as a headline on Fox News.

All women come in different shapes, sizes, and forms and just because you're a celebrity, there shouldn't be a different standard.

Is this something you would say to your wife, daughter, mother, grandmother, or even a friend?

I seriously doubt it. 

How can we expect teenage girls to love and respect themselves in an environment where we criticize a size 2 figure?

Now can we focus on the things that really matter.


Oops! Sorry Ash. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings, but as they say- the truth (does in fact!) hurt.

Jessica also had a nice response to what peeps are saying (again, me- sorry guys!)

Jessica responded to the "You so fat that you start beeping when you back up" jokes to OK! , "Going from a size 2 to a size 8, that's not fat. If I weren't Jessica Simpson, no one would care."

While I agree with the fact that a size 8 is not even remotely fat or overweight and that no one would give two rips if it wasn't Jessica Simpson, I will say that going from a size 2 to a size 8 (ie gaining AT LEAST 30 pounds) in the short amount of time that Jessica did (i'm guessing the past 4 months) is NOT healthy. So, Jessica, let's just say that we are all concerned for your health (not your pants size) and let's be friends again.

Your Friend Lela

Monday, January 26, 2009

Revolutionary Road

Go see this movie, Go see this movie, Go see this movie!

In case you're wondering, I really liked this movie. It was quite good. It was veeeeery heavy and pretty intense so i am not going to recommend seeing this if you are already in a semi suicidal mood. It was a very intriguiging movie about surburban life and marriage and the boredoms that can come with it. Frank and Alice Wheeler are happy, then unhappy, then happy again. Up and down, up and down. It was beautifully crafted and left me feeling both depressed and excited. It made me want to quit my life and go see the world ( i kind of know why that is, but i also kind of dont). I found it to be very worthy of all of the awards and praise that it has been receiving and also understand why Leo has not been nominated for anything- don't get me wrong, he was great in the movie, but he was just a touch too "young Jack Nicholson" for my tastes.

Go see this movie!!

Spoiler Alert: As it happens, they are not actually revolutionists at all, but Revolutionary Road just happens to be the street they live on. Hope that didn't give too much away.

Oh. My. Stars.

HomeGURL I KNOW you didn't!!!! Who on earth let her out of the house like this???? This is why we do NOT let football players give us fashion advice people! Perhaps by wearing this outfit, Jessica is trying to dispell the rumor that she is "with child". Oh yeah, she really squashed that one- now we're all just going to be talking about how FAT she is getting ( i realize that getting fat for Jessica Simpson means going from a 24 to a 26, but irregardless). Jessie poo- lay off the Texas food (I know its good) and get you that work out who got you all skinny after John Mayer dumped you. Or- just never wear those pants again!!!

My Life Really Would Suck Without You

Ok, so I am way way waaaaaaaay behind other blogs in posting about this song, but to my credit, I just now got into it. I made a delightful "girl mix" last week, and decided it needed a little "new Kelly" on it. The new Kelly reminds me of the old Kelly-she doesn't dissapoint. This song is super cheesy with a fun dance mix- aka, the best kind. Pop music at it's finest. Enjoy!

Ps- Kelly if you're reading this, I live in Nashville  too- Let's be friends!!!

Kelly Clarkson - My Life Would Suck Without You (Audio Premiere) - Kelly Clarkson

When I Crack That Whip Everybody Gon' Trip!

Ok, so a couple of today's posts are things that I am a bit behind posting on.......for example, new Brit Brit Spears. I do not have the full album Circus, and I'm not super crazy about Womanizer but daaaaaang girl, the single Circus is incredible. So good!! 

I used to hate Britney and I don't know exactly at what point I became converted ( I think it was when she went crazy and I started rooting for her to get well- the best PR stunt of all. Well done Larry Rudolph), but fully converted I am. I even want to go see her concert in Atlanta! I never thought I'd see that day! (Seriously, check it out on Ticketmaster. Her stage is "in the round" and it's literally going to be like a Three Ring Circus- brilliant!!)

So, for your Monday enjoyment, I give you Circus

Circus - Britney Spears

Saturday, January 24, 2009


In my post yesterday Did She or Didn't She, I speculated as to whether or not Blake Lively has had a nose job. Apparantly, I am not the first. I came across another website and some photos and thought I would share.

Check out the rest of the article here

I Knew The Obamas Liked Beyonce, But I Had No Idea!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Did She or Didn't She??

Whilst I was excercising in the cardio theater at my gym last night (cardio theater= AWESOME! It's ginormous like a real movie theater, tons of work out equipment, and you just watch movies- time goes by so fast in there, I swear!) , I was watching the movie Accepted with Justin Long and Jonah Hill (which was actually kind of funny!) and noticed a girl with long blonde hair who slightly resembled Blake Lively of Gossip Girl and Sisterhood of the Travling Pants fame- wait, that IS Blake Lively. No it isn't, that girl has a huge nose. No wait, wait, now she's talking- that IS Blake Lively! and she has DEFINITELY had a nose job. 

I don't judge people for having nose jobs- if it's gonna make you happy, g'on and do it girl. It just amazes me how a nose job can really change a persons appearance (Ashlee Simpson/ Heidi Montag anyone??). I think Blake definitely made the right choice with the rhino, but maybe I'm crazy and her face just matured (???)- you tell me.




Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rosie Thomas

Have I been hiding under a rock or do other people not know about Rosie Thomas? She was brought to me by iTunes Genius (the first thing they've suggested that I've actually been interested in), but I really like her. The album below is here earliest release( i believe) from 2002 and I download "Wedding Day" and "Have You Seen My Love". Check her out and let me know what you think!

When We Were Small

The Copycat Dolls

As I was downloading some Pussycat Dolls songs today (what? downloading? no, no, I meant making fun of) and started thinking about how stupid the record execs must really think we are.

First of all, I hate how they portray the PCD as a five piece ensemble when, in fact, it is a SOLO artist with four background singers/dancers. After their first album was a hit, they even tried have Nicole release a solo record which NEVER CAME OUT. Seems like someone finally caught on that when they gave Nicole some dancers for her tour that it was essentially PUC 2.0. Needless to say, they pulled the plug on that project. I get that they were just trying to fill a "girl group" void with one incredible singer and her backup puppets, but do you think the other girls every get mad because they dont get a chance to sing/write/ be in the front. Lord knows I would! 

On that note, enjoy some mediocre Pussy Cat Dolls

Homie Done Lost His Mind

Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you.................the KWullet

What in the WORLD is he thinking with that hair??? Uh, Kanye, Theo Huckstable circa 1989 called and he wants his 'do back. Maybe this is all a part of Kanye's scheme to have fewer fans- IT'S WORKING!!! Make a crap album and have some crap hair and I'm bound to let ya go forever.


I have been told by a fellow hip hop con connesseiur (if you will) that they are obsessed with Kanye's new album ( as you may remember I was not impressed ). Despite that, in the spirit of second chances, I am going to listen to 808s and Heartbreaks again today to see if my opinion changes. I'll start by giving you guys another video of Kanye...........but not KWullet Kanye (KWullet= Kanye West mullet), no no, this Kanye will be animated! (insert gasps from the crowd here).

That bastard won't let me embed his video so click here to check it out.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Just Love Dianne Sawyer

Looks like Miss Dianne Sawyer had a little too much to drink on Inauguration Night (aka she was drunk y'all!)

2009 So Far is Fine!

First a Black President and now this!

Disney has announced that in 2009 it will introduce it's first black Princess!! Hooray! The movie is intitled The Frog Princess and will be based around a girl named Maddy ( I was hoping her name would be Malika) who lives in the French Quarter of New Orleans (why's it gotta be New Orleans?? Black people live in Arizona too! Just like during the inaguration yesterday, they kept showing Memphis and Harlem- others besides African Americans are excited about Obama being President too!)

And to make it even better, Disney is doing this one the "old fashioned way" and hand drawing everything instead of it being computer animated ( i FULLY support this! nothing is better than the old school princess movies) AND the score has been done by Randy Newman. 

Disney- you really know how to capture my heart and tug at its strings. 

Oh Twilight

Here's some new muzac from Iron & Wine- sooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. I haven't heard much from them lately (maybe I've been under a rock?) but their music is so interesting and delicate and touching. This particular song is from the Twilight soundtrack ( no I am still not into Twilight people, but I will get there one day). I've heard the movie isn't that great, but this song is so at least something good came out of it. ;)

Flightless Bird, American Mouth - Iron & Wine

I Happen to Think This is One of the Best Songs Ever

I've put this song on my blog before, but it just seemed like a good time to post it again.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Death By Peanut Butter!

Have you guys heard about this recall on Peanut Butter? It is desperately sad, but also good news for some. Right now the things that have been recalled include Sonc's ready to us peanut butter that they use in their Peanut Butter Shakes and Sundae's (sad day), and
Peter Pan peanut butter (I have some in the cubbard) and Great Value Peanut butter (that's WalMart brand for you rich folk) that begin with the product code 2111.

The peanut butter has Salmonella in it! In case you think you might have Salmonella, but aren't sure what the symptoms are, the FDA is right here to help us out. Symptoms include fever, diarrhea (ew) and abdominal craps, and can sometimes kill you! While at first thought that sounds terribly tragic, I think we should re examine.....

Anyone thinking of committing suicide? Cause, I mean, this would be the best time to do it! Just eat tons and tons of peanut butter. Go to Sonic and buy all the Peanut Butter shakes your little tummy can hold, and then eat some Reese cups, then down some peanut butter and crackers ( all while listening to "Zombie" by the Cranberries). Think about it- no pills, no bloody mess, no guns (they're tricky!)- just pure deliciousness and then sleep (well, throw some diarrhea and cramps in there, but then pure blissful sleep).

I personally hadn't been considering suicide, but I'm giving it a second thought now- it just seems as though, much like buying a house, there couldn't be a better time to do it. Enjoy your peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

Your Friend Alex

Dear Friends,
Today we have a guest blogger. AlexAnder, Take it away!

Hello lambs,

 AlexAnder here for my first official guest post. Our friend Lela so kindly told you all my most pressing message of That is Not a Dress in previous posts. I’m here to reiterate and clarify the point for you.

 In case you have missed the previous installments, let me break it down for you:

 Sweater dresses are fabulous. They’re effortlessly chic and flattering on all figures.

 A sweater AS a dress is not fabulous. Nor is it effortlessly chic and flattering. In fact it screams, “I need attention” and is a veritable arrow pointing to untoned thighs and cellulite. But don’t take my word for it… let’s look at some visuals.

  I can almost see her fallopian tubes. That.Is.Not.O.K.


Think I’m making this up? Are you thinking, “This can’t possibly be true. Women can’t really wear sweaters-as-dresses in public”?

 I present you Exhibit A:

 No ma’am. That sweater is not a sweater dress. It’s just not. Not matter how many times you tug it down on the sides, it’s not gonna work. It’s not a dress.

Have you, dear lamb, yourself fallen prey to this wretched pandemic? Don’t beat yourself up. No, don’t do it. You’re not alone. In fact, you could blame it on B list celebrities for leading you astray.

   No, Lindsay Lohan, that is Not a dress.

Oh heavenly day! That is DEFINITELY not a dress.

 It’s a tough world out there ladies. The least you can do is put on a real sweater dress. Sometimes we need a push to do the right thing. So, if it’s any incentive, I’ll be out there, camera in hand, ready to catch all offenders and post them here—courtesy of your friend Lela.

 Love and Affection—don’t forget the protection,


Monday, January 19, 2009

I mean, Why Not?

You Are The Best Thing - Ray LaMontagne

This Stuff is REAL

For those of you who have never watched America's Best Dance Crew, you need to start NOW. They just recently started Season 3, and it's a show that moves pretty fast (i think it's usually under a month).

As I was laying on my couch being very ill this past Friday night, I caught some of the new season. These people are craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy. There is a group of cloggers (which is kind of different and cool) and there is a crew from Brooklynn (Ringmasters) who, literally, pull their arms and shoulders and whatnot out of socket for the sake of the dance- ridiculous! These people are crazy and this is for sure one of the most entertaining shows on television.

Click here to check out more about the show.

More Music for your Monday

Maybe this will be the new thing- Music Mondays? Let me know if you like it!

Faithful - Brooke Fraser

Quotes of the Day

"Nothing so fortifies a friendship as a belief on the part of one friend that he is superior to the other."
-Honore de Balzac

"One should absorb the colour of life, but one should never remember its details. Details are always vulgar."
-Oscar Wilde

"Reading made don Quixote a gentleman. Believing what he read made him mad."
-George Bernard Shaw

This Post Is Long Overdue.... almost a week. Ladies and Gentlmen, today I give you.....Celine Dion

So last Tuesday, Melinda and I went to the Sommet Center to see the one, the only, Celine Dion. I initially wasn't going to go, but when i found out that tickets were only $27, it seemed foolish not to! I mean, what if Celine dropped dead the next day and I missed the very last opportunity to see her? What if I dropped dead the next day and never saw her live? That would be pretty sad too. 

So we said "yes!" to the nosebleed seats (which we had to go to the very top floor and then down stairs to get to our seats- thats how high up they were). However, the seats were actually pretty good! We could see all of the stage (except for one side part thanks to the only pole in the entire building that stands in front of seats). 

I will say, there are no words and too many words to describe the show. Celine was absolutely flawless ( and pretty goofy too).  She is about the size of my pinky finger and she dances around the stage the entire time and never even once even breathed heavy. I can say with absolute confidence that (unlike some world renowned singers) she does, in fact, wear underwear. I can also say with absolute confidence, that if you ever have a chance to see her that you definitely should. 

Good Stuff For Your Monday Morning

09_You Got Growin Up To Do - Joshua Radin