Friday, November 21, 2008

New Kanye

It's been brought to my attention that you can stream Kanye's new album "808's and Heartbreak" (genius title) on his myspace today before the album is officially released on Monday (which is kinda weird b/c normal release dates are Tuesdays?) . Click here  to check it out.

I'll give you my run down. First of all, I LOVE Kanye. I'm a big supporter of his music. I think he's pretty worthless as a human being, but as a musician I've pretty much gotta support everything he does. That being said, I don't like the fact that he's going all T Pain on us and using AutoTune synthesizer robot voice. In fact I hate it.

Song # 1 "Say You Will"- Kanye singing with said AutoTune synthesizer robot voice with a heart monitor-esque beat in the background. Um, this could be my least favorite Kanye song of all time. 

Song #2- "Welcome to Heartbreak"- A better beat, an actual rap, but still with the AutoTune synth! Seriously Kan? You are an innovator, but you are now essentially ripping off T Pain. T Pain!!! That is unnecessary.  You need not rip off anyone. Remember how you're a musical genius (or so you say). The synth worked in your bridge of "Put On", but just because you rocked it out on one song doesn't mean you need to do it for all songs.

Song #3- "Heartless"- This must be what happens when rappers get their hearts broken. They turn into robots. This song, yet again, starts with the synth voice. Thank Jonas (JEddy shout out) that it morphs into a normal rap........only to morph back into an AutoTuned rap. Better than the last two anyway.

Song #4- "Amazing"- No. It isn't. It isn't amazing.

Song #5- "Love Lockdown"- The first single. It's ok. Still in robot mode. It's not up to par in comparison with other lead singles from Kanye albums. Think "Golddigger" or freaking "Stronger". This song is supposed to compare???

It doesn't

Song #6-  "Paranoid"- The rap on this song is reminiscent of his part in Estelle's "American Boy". It's one of the better songs of the 6 we've reviewed so far. I could maybe jam to this one. 

Song #7- "Robocop"- I think the title says it all.

Song #8- "Street Lights"- This one is ok, but would probably be better if it were a John Mayer song circa "Room for Squares".

Song # 9- "Bad News"- Yep. Just like this album.

Song # 10- "See You In My Nightmares"- No. No, no, no, no, no. I basically stopped actually listening to the songs right around here. I'm surprised I made it this far.

Song # 11- "Coldest Winter"- Oh, you're cold? Why don't you start a fire- and then put Kanye's new cd in there.

Song # 12- "Pinocchio Story"- This is a live freestyle. I'm not sure what show it's from, but I can pretty much guarantee that it isn't Bonnaroo ( i don't hear the sound of bottles hitting the stage). It doesn't sound like the other over produced synth crap on this album. It's got that going for it.

I'm sad. 

This is not an album that I'm going to rush out and buy- that was NOT the case for the last three Kanye albums. I couldn't get them fast enough. I'm honestly not even worried about picking this one up. There is too much of Kanye trying to sing in robot voice, and if I had to guess, there was too much weed involved in the recording process. The album ends up all sounding the same due to the synth. There is nothing to distinguish one song from the other. Where is the Kanye we know and love? Where are the awesome beats- you're a PRODUCER man! Where are the zingy one liners we know and love? Why do you look like Fonsworth Bentley? 

Kanye, I'm sorry your heart is broken, but I hope you get laid soon so you'll start making good music again.

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