Monday, January 19, 2009

This Post Is Long Overdue.... almost a week. Ladies and Gentlmen, today I give you.....Celine Dion

So last Tuesday, Melinda and I went to the Sommet Center to see the one, the only, Celine Dion. I initially wasn't going to go, but when i found out that tickets were only $27, it seemed foolish not to! I mean, what if Celine dropped dead the next day and I missed the very last opportunity to see her? What if I dropped dead the next day and never saw her live? That would be pretty sad too. 

So we said "yes!" to the nosebleed seats (which we had to go to the very top floor and then down stairs to get to our seats- thats how high up they were). However, the seats were actually pretty good! We could see all of the stage (except for one side part thanks to the only pole in the entire building that stands in front of seats). 

I will say, there are no words and too many words to describe the show. Celine was absolutely flawless ( and pretty goofy too).  She is about the size of my pinky finger and she dances around the stage the entire time and never even once even breathed heavy. I can say with absolute confidence that (unlike some world renowned singers) she does, in fact, wear underwear. I can also say with absolute confidence, that if you ever have a chance to see her that you definitely should. 

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