Wednesday, January 28, 2009

She's Just Mad That She Has a Fat Sister!

Ashlee Simpson took to her blog to address the fact that the "media" (is that me?) have been talking bad about her sister Jessica b/c she put on a few lbs.

Since when did a woman's weight become newsworthy...

I am completely disgusted by the headlines concerning my sister's weight.  A week after the inauguration and with such a feeling of hope in the air for our country, I find it completely embarrassing and belittling to all women to read about a woman's weight or figure as a headline on Fox News.

All women come in different shapes, sizes, and forms and just because you're a celebrity, there shouldn't be a different standard.

Is this something you would say to your wife, daughter, mother, grandmother, or even a friend?

I seriously doubt it. 

How can we expect teenage girls to love and respect themselves in an environment where we criticize a size 2 figure?

Now can we focus on the things that really matter.


Oops! Sorry Ash. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings, but as they say- the truth (does in fact!) hurt.

Jessica also had a nice response to what peeps are saying (again, me- sorry guys!)

Jessica responded to the "You so fat that you start beeping when you back up" jokes to OK! , "Going from a size 2 to a size 8, that's not fat. If I weren't Jessica Simpson, no one would care."

While I agree with the fact that a size 8 is not even remotely fat or overweight and that no one would give two rips if it wasn't Jessica Simpson, I will say that going from a size 2 to a size 8 (ie gaining AT LEAST 30 pounds) in the short amount of time that Jessica did (i'm guessing the past 4 months) is NOT healthy. So, Jessica, let's just say that we are all concerned for your health (not your pants size) and let's be friends again.

Your Friend Lela

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