Monday, January 26, 2009

Revolutionary Road

Go see this movie, Go see this movie, Go see this movie!

In case you're wondering, I really liked this movie. It was quite good. It was veeeeery heavy and pretty intense so i am not going to recommend seeing this if you are already in a semi suicidal mood. It was a very intriguiging movie about surburban life and marriage and the boredoms that can come with it. Frank and Alice Wheeler are happy, then unhappy, then happy again. Up and down, up and down. It was beautifully crafted and left me feeling both depressed and excited. It made me want to quit my life and go see the world ( i kind of know why that is, but i also kind of dont). I found it to be very worthy of all of the awards and praise that it has been receiving and also understand why Leo has not been nominated for anything- don't get me wrong, he was great in the movie, but he was just a touch too "young Jack Nicholson" for my tastes.

Go see this movie!!

Spoiler Alert: As it happens, they are not actually revolutionists at all, but Revolutionary Road just happens to be the street they live on. Hope that didn't give too much away.

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