Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Copycat Dolls

As I was downloading some Pussycat Dolls songs today (what? downloading? no, no, I meant making fun of) and started thinking about how stupid the record execs must really think we are.

First of all, I hate how they portray the PCD as a five piece ensemble when, in fact, it is a SOLO artist with four background singers/dancers. After their first album was a hit, they even tried have Nicole release a solo record which NEVER CAME OUT. Seems like someone finally caught on that when they gave Nicole some dancers for her tour that it was essentially PUC 2.0. Needless to say, they pulled the plug on that project. I get that they were just trying to fill a "girl group" void with one incredible singer and her backup puppets, but do you think the other girls every get mad because they dont get a chance to sing/write/ be in the front. Lord knows I would! 

On that note, enjoy some mediocre Pussy Cat Dolls

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